Puppies out of Bark n Howl’s Prince Sonic Boom of Bethlehem and Bark n Howl’s Lady BayLee of Bethlehem
DOB 10/6/2019
3 males ( 2 black 1 yellow); 5 females (4 black, 1 yellow)
Dew claws removed, both parents on site. Veterinarian checked.
$500 adoption fee, with $100 nonrefundable deposit to hold puppy. Limited registration, full registration available for extra $100.
These puppies will be available to go to their new homes on Thanksgiving weekend.
My family is looking for a very light colored female. We lost our 2 labs last year to old age. We’re finally ready for a pup and would love to see your litter. You have beautiful dogs. Please contact me if you have one available.
Thank you,
Chris Melton
Thank you for your compliments! Yes we have 4 females left. I am posting the latest pics of them tonight, 4/14/15.
Thank you,
James and Cindy
Bark n Howl Farm
We lost our chocolate lab 2 years ago to old age and we are ready to add a yellow male to our family. My husband and I want our children to grow up with a dog like we both did. Please let me know if any of the yellow males are still available. Thanks!
In October we lost Molly our black lab after 13 wonderful years. Part of our family is gone, and we are finally ready to fill that void. We are looking for a yellow female lab puppie. Just found your Website. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Thank you for your interest in our puppies, but I’m sorry, we don’t have any yellow female puppies available. We have 2 female black puppies.
I am interested in getting a black lab puppy for my family. Please let me know if you have any of them left that were born 4/10/16. Thank you for your time. Kellie